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We consult, design and create solutions for healthier, stunning, sustainable, and eco-friendly internal and external environments. Our clients are private, commercial, or community based.

Our Expertise


We design and create both internal and external green walls. These can be passive or active, depending on your maintenance requirements.


We consult, design, install, and provide plant care services for healthy and stunning edible gardens that are kind to the ecosystem.

Garden & Green Wall Automation

Automate the management of your green space remotely with our proprietary system.

Garden Design, Build & Maintenance

QL produce 3D designs that can be viewed from any angle. Once approved and built, we have a range of maintenance plans. 

Edible Garden Workshops

We consult, create, and teach the fundamentals of growing edible gardens for residential, community, or business purposes.

About Us

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Bringing your environment to life

With over 25 years experience, our horticulture experts will work with you to deliver a healthier, beautiful and sustainable environment. 

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"A building and the area around it are not the inert space we perceive it to be. By harnessing the quantum cascade of energy, we can manipulate that environment and turn the subject area into a fully reactive space."

Quantum Landscapes, 1990.

Copyright Quantum Landscapes 2019 All Rights Reserved

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